Daniel Meurois 

 Daniel Meurois 

    author, philosopher, explorer of consciousness fields




The sun of stones

The sun of stones

Do you know what the word "Christmas" or old French “Noel” means? Well, the latter comes from the Greek neos helios meaning “new sun”. Isn’t it wonderful to become aware of this, at a time when we’ll soon start illuminating our homes and cities with a thousand lights,...

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Jesus the Avatar

Filmed during an initiatory journey in Jerusalem, Israel in 2011, Daniel Meurois explains the concept of Jesus as an Avatar. . We cannot talk about the Christ Principle without addressing the concept of Avatar. This is a...

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Interview on Essenian and Egyptian Therapies

Interview on Essenian and Egyptian Therapies

In an exceptional interview, Marie Johanne Croteau and Daniel Meurois speak freely and abundantly about their common book, “The Great Book of Essenian and Egyptian Therapies”, and about their training courses in France and Quebec.   Guillaume Dalzil : Daniel...

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