Filmed on the shores of the Dead Sea during an initiatory journey in Israel in 2011, Daniel Meurois talks about prayer, as taught by Master Jesus.


Jesus taught us a few prayers that we would say together. He said that it was good to relate to those prayers, because of their connection to what we call today an egregore. We did not use the word egregore at the time, but an Aramaic word with approximately the same meaning. In fact it was not one word but rather a group of words, an expression which meant the same thing as « egregore ».

He taught us how to connect to the global energy Source. This was for Him very important. But what He considered most important was that we would be able -or would learn- to improvise our own prayers according to the different moments of our life. That is, that we would come to unlock something at the level of our heart, not at the level of our mind but at the level of our heart, in order to release any tension, any fear, also any desire within us.

For Him, as soon as we had succeeded in establishing an inner contact with the Father as He called Him, or possibly the Mother in some cases, we were in a state of prayer. There was no need for fine words or well-constructed sentences. He only wanted us to open the doors of our heart, but not simply in a one-way manner: that is, He taught us that prayer should not only be a request, but also an offering. You know, most of the time when we pray, we are a bit craving… « God, please help me with this, please help me with that ». In His eyes, a prayer had to be an exchange: « My God, please give me… and allow me to give also. And I thank You for this, I thank You for that ».

Our way of being in those moments of prayer had to resemble the movement of life in general as a constant flow of exchange: taking and giving, just like the tidal movement of rising and lowering. Thus according to His teachings, this was really the direction that He most wished we would take. When we were praying, we would very often start with a prayer that we would say together. Then He would let us continue with a prayer coming from our heart, a very simple one. It did not necessarily have to last for hours. For Him, long meditations or prayers did not necessarily make a lot of sense, except when one was taking vows to become a hermit for instance or retreating in the desert… that was something else.

But when He was talking to people like us confronted with everyday life, His advice was to spend relatively short, well-centered and focused moments in prayer and meditation rather than thinking «oh… just three minutes long, I should continue, this is not enough», which to Him was not meaningful.

Indeed if a prayer or meditation tended to last for too long and we were no longer centered enough in our interiorization, our mind would then go in every direction and the prayer would lose intensity. He thus preferred something short and focused instead of something which would give one the impression of being a great meditator or man of prayer, but would eventually serve only as a means for our conscience to rapidly scatter. It is in that sense that He taught us.