Discover the sense of Time… The Akashic Records

Discover the sense of Time… The Akashic Records

Travelling in time is certainly one of the oldest dreams nourished by Humanity. From imaginary narratives to wild or ‘avant-garde’ scientific speculations, people have always been fascinated by the exploration of space-time. Though boasting powerful rationalism, our...
She is here…

She is here…

Let me tell you a rather surprising but very significant story. It happened to me exactly two weeks ago. My wife and I were spending the last hours of a journey to Egypt where we were in charge of the spiritual guidance of the participants. That evening, we were...
What We So Seldom Say…

What We So Seldom Say…

Nastiness exists, that is a fact… I’m not talking about the one spread across front-page and expressed daily through a thousand acts of violence all around the world.  To me that is best-called barbarity or monstrosity. No, I’m referring to the “small-scale ordinary...
Animals transition from a group soul to an individual soul

Animals transition from a group soul to an individual soul

Although in the Western world, most of us are still far from able to recognize the reality of an animals’ soul and all that it implies, we cannot ignore there has been considerable progress… Admittedly, we could regret that it be so late and that the damage caused by...


Is there anybody who has never heard of Alzheimer’s disease today? We all have, or nearly all of us have among our close relations someone who suffers from this disease or who knows someone who has it. We are well aware of the pain and tragedy surrounding this...
Did you say proofs?

Did you say proofs?

“Can you prove what you are saying?” This is a sentence I have often I heard during my already thirty years as a witness… I have an envelope hidden somewhere. In it, I wrote a single sentence. “If you can manage to read the contents of this envelope during an...